Shaw's Posters

Shaw’s Posters is a book I’m working on which details the over 20 posters that Richard Shaw has produced to announce upcoming exhibitions. Some posters are very elaborate such as Custer’s Last Stand from his 1986 exhibition at the Braunstein/Quay Gallery in San Francisco which encompassed 68 people and 6 horses. The book will be an illumination of each of his posters, the people involved, and the rungs that have helped to build the ladder we stand on.


One of the simplest posters to produce was Shaw’s poster from 1995. His father, Dick Shaw, had sent Richard a picture of himself with the text bubble above while Richard was an undergraduate at the San Francisco Art Institute. Richard then mocked up his own for his two eldest kids for the poster. His father had been an animator and writer for Disney Productions since 1938. He then went on to UPI where he was awarded an Academy Award for Mr. Magoo. Growing up in this dynamic and culturally pivotal setting in Hollywood and Disney has had an enormous influence on Richard, his work and the prodigious amount of people he has influenced.

Cards on Pallet, 23”, Porcelain

Cards on Pallet, 23”, Porcelain

Sitting Figure, 26”, Porcelain

Sitting Figure, 26”, Porcelain